Forum 2018 Speakers

David Allen
David Allen Company
Creator of the Getting Things Done (or GTD) methodology, and founder of one of the first companies to fully embrace Holacracy, seven years ago.

Linda Berens
Linda Berens Institute
With over 40 years’ experience in developing and refining the InterStrength methodology and models of individual differences, training others to use it and consulting with organizations, Linda is an ideal presenter for her session on honoring self-organization & dealing with resistance.

Romain Bisseret
In Excelsis
A former Musician, CEO, Actor, and Film Producer, sometimes concurrently, Romain has then chosen to combine all these skills and to partner with In Excelsis, where he fills GTD Master Trainer, GTD Executive Coach, and Habit Sensei. He’s dedicated to « make GTD stick » and therefore has involved in the habit management field, partnering with French renowned scientists at Inserm and also researches like BJ Fogg from Stanford, with whom he started last June a « habit creation » program specifically dedicated to GTD.

Bart Bongers
Het Adviesbureau
Imagine a large Bank. Big. Corporate. Hierarchy. Locking people’s true potential and energy.
In this setting a small team of business leaders began a daring and seemingly impossible journey towards autonomy and freedom inspired by Holacracy. Listen to Bart and his co-presenter Ingrid's gripping tale about what it takes to take the courage to let go.

Koen Bunders
Koen Bunders is a certified Holacracy coach, an inspired trainer, who loves the implementation profession.

Bernard Marie Chiquet
iGi Partners
In 2010, Bernard Marie discovered Holacracy® and decided to focus on this new management technology which seems to answer the problems, that he had experienced in many companies, in a sustainable way. Since then, he has accompanied the transformation of more than 60 companies that have adopted Holacracy. He is a certified Master Coach, gives Holacracy Practitioner and Coach Training in French.

Chris Cowan
Chris is an accomplished consultant and Certified Holacracy Coach. He has a Masters of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School and a doctorate in Human and Organizational Learning from the George Washington University. He enjoys the challenges of Holacracy practice particularly those aspects which help individuals discover their own greater and deeper truth.

Michael DeAngelo
Michael DeAngelo, now a Partner at H1, was the Deputy Director at WaTech, a State of Washington agency that has been running Holacracy for the past 3 1/2 years, which provides IT services to state and local governments in the state. He was responsible for providing strategic technology leadership for the State which spends about $4 B per year on technology services. In addition to driving provocative level of change in organizations he is also a beekeeper, pilot, and SCUBA instructor.

Joris Engbers
Devhouse Spindle
Joris is a Historian who specialized in (learning) organizations. As a Organization Hacker he uses Complex Systems Theory to research and describe how organizations evolve in reaction to external influence. At Spindle he combines working as a Software Developer with Holacracy coaching and business development. He was also involved in the introduction of a new compensation model.

Eliana Hohl
As a work and organizational Psychologist , a SAFe ® Scrum Master and a Holacracy-Nerd, Eliana enjoys plunging into the depths of self-organization. She researched one of the biggest holacracy implementations in Switzerland and boosted the change through her "Transformer" Role.

Harm Jans
Harm Jans joined bol.com in 20018 when it was still small. As a mid-level manager in logistics he experienced the effects of exponential growth in the organization first hand. The organization direly needed structure, but not additional complex and slow hierarchies. In 2015 Harm started the Spark movement, adopting Holacracy at bol.com from the bottom-up.

Peter Kunneman
Licht op de Zaak
Peter has been a business consultant for 30+ years, working for Accenture and thereafter as interim director in public tenders among others. In 2011 Peter founded a team-coaching practice with his wife Hella, called ‘Licht op de Zaak’. Their purpose is to help build wholesome organizations by translating into organizational contexts the ‘Theory of Living Human Systems’ and the Systems-Centered® Training method (SCT®) developed by Yvonne Agazarian.

Ewout Meijer
Ewout has been with Springest for over four years. In 2012, Springest was the first company in the Netherlands to adopt Holacracy. Ewout started out with a B2B sales role but currently holds 21 roles in four different circles. Amongst others as Lead Link, Strategy Advisor and OKR Master. Springest has been working with OKRs for over three years.

Prisca Müller
Prisca Müller helps people and organizations to do meaningful and satisfying work. As a budding work and organizational psychologist and a background in environmental science, she is committed to sustainable and social technologies and ways of working. As a startup founder and startup program manager, she gained experience in self-organization, agile methods and innovative business models.

Brian Robertson
Brian Robertson is an experienced entrepreneur, CEO, and organizational pioneer. His work with Holacracy® has found international support within both the conventional business world and cutting- edge movements and thought-leaders. He currently works with HolacracyOne, helping consultants and change agents around the globe bring its evolutionary approach to their organizations and clients.

Christiane Seuhs-Schoeller
Evolution at Work
Christiane has been an Entrepreneur and Business Consultant for over two decades and is one of the European Holacracy Pioneers. After almost a decade still a steadfast supporter of Holacracy, she has moved on and is now deeply engaged in what - in addition to Holacracy - needs to evolve for power to shift and self-organization to prevail. In her roles in Evolution at Work she brings the unique “Language of Spaces” Framework to the world, which creates safe spaces for individuals to go on the transformative journey to self-organization. Last year she became a nomad and is now traveling continuously to do her work globally.

Daniel Sigrist
Some people call Daniel Sigrist a “Holacracy Ninja“ while in reality this is only a role he fills. This role is at Swisscom, the biggest telco in Switzerland, and over the last two years Daniel worked with several teams and departments who started working with Holacracy inside Swisscom.

Erik Slotboom
Erik Slotboom is Holacracy coach. Previously, he helped many organizations with Agile work processes. Now he knows perfectly how to bridge the gap between agile work processes and Holacracy-based organizational processes.

Tom Thomison
A seasoned entrepreneur and business builder with more than 30 years of experience, Tom Thomison is a recognized leader in self-organization practices and methods. In 2007, he co-founded HolacracyOne, LLC to further develop and mature Holacracy®. Tom is currently a Founding Member and Partner at encode.org, an organization focused on the creation of necessary legal, financial and social structures to further support self-organization and the new world of work.

Andreea Turlea
Andreea is passionate about connecting talents with the right companies. Netcentric is her home now and more than enabling its growth through awesome recruiting experiences, she is an internal Holacracy ambassador. She believes that Holacracy was an important driver for Netcentric’s growth and she’s here to present you the insights behind this story. Let’s all hear how Netcentric managed to scale from 125 to 400 in 3 years with Holacracy.

Jan Willem van Crevel
Trained as Engineer, Jan Willem majored in System Dynamics, for the first seven years wrote differential equations to pay his bills. He holds roles in product development, cloud platform and personal and organizational development. He believes companies can operate on love and compassion, be humane AND be profitable.

Ingrid van Nieuwenhuizen
ABN Amro Bank
Imagine a large Bank. Big. Corporate. Hierarchy. Locking people’s true potential and energy.
In this setting a small team of business leaders began a daring and seemingly impossible journey towards autonomy and freedom inspired by Holacracy. Listen to Ingrid and her co-presenter Bart’s gripping tale about what it takes to take the courage to let go.
Debbie Van Veen
Being part of the Amsterdam based tech-company Springest, Debbie has experienced Holacracy for over 5 years. Springest was the first company in the Netherlands to adopt Holacracy. Since that moment Debbie holds the role “Brian Robertson-Rep”, a role meant to increase Holacracy knowledge and improve its practice amongst “Springeteers”.

Koen Veltman
Koen is the founder of OrganizationBuilders and was the third Holacracy Certified Coach in the Netherlands.